Copyright 2025
Seated alone in her apartment, twenty seven year old Karen fired up a cigarette and just sat there on her old worn out sofa, watching TV, the lady living in a dilapidated structure in a small and poor Southern Ohio town. With her dark mane raised up high, Karen just sat there and smoked the time away. Suddenly, her phone rang.
Answering the thing, she said, “ Yea?”
“Where’s the money?”, said some guy.
Frustrated, Karen turned off the TV and got up off her nice denim covered butt, pacing back and forth now, saying, “ I’ll get it…just give me more time.”
“That’s what you always say…you either have some money tonight or you ain’t gonna get any more of the stuff.”
“ C’mon…I’m almost out…I only got a hit left.”
“ Only if I see some money…and it’s gotta be enough…not that little bit you gave me the last time.”
“Look…give me some of the stuff tonight…then next week I’ll pay.”
“ No way…you pay up tonight or that’s it.”
Getting angry now, Karen yelled, “ C’mon…don’t be such a jerk.”
“ It’s money or nothing.”
“Can’t we solve this with…you know…some sex.”
“ Um…no…I got a girl friend…and then you might have a disease or something.”
She got real angry now and yelled, “ Fuck you…creep!”
“ Like I said…you either come up with some money or forget it.”
“ But I got rent to pay and other shit.”
“ I can’t help that…pay up or no more stuff.”
The guy hung up the phone. Karen just stood there for a moment. Finally, the young lady dropped the cheap android to her sofa and marched into the kitchen where she poured herself a shot of whiskey and then went into the living room over to an old wooden drawer built into the wall. Dressed in her blue jeans, a black tight T-shirt, and black western boots on her feet, attractive, but tired looking Karen pulled open the drawer and removed a clear plastic bag holding a small amount of white powder.
She poured what was left of the stuff into her hand and snorted it all up, sniffing away at it, getting herself turned on, feeling the adrenaline rush from the cocaine, the young lady addicted to the drug for over two years now, her bad habit using up most of the money she made as a prostitute.
Feeling uplifted somewhat, she went back to the living room and turned on the old stereo, listening to some music, dancing around a little for the next few minutes until she finally entered the kitchen again and made herself cup of coffee, firing up another cigarette.
Desperate for some cash, Karen left her apartment and went down to her old rusted Ford parked alone side the curb. She lowered her nice ass behind the wheel and drove away, headed two miles down the road, where she pulled into a small lot in front of a bar, finally going into the place. She went up to the counter and used the last of her money to buy a drink.
Just sitting there, she eventually turned around and saw some guy playing at one of the pinball machines. A dirty smile on her face, Karen finished off the drink and then raised her ass, slowly going over to the man and saying, “ Hi…how’s it going.”
The guy was immediately taken in by her good looks and replied, “ Hello…how are you today?”
“ Um…just need some money…can you help me out…if you know what I mean?”
After she winked at him and rubbed at her crotch area, the guy quickly got the message and looked both ways, finally nodding his head, asking in a very low tone of voice, “ Where do you want me to take you?”
“Don’t worry…I got my car here…just follow me to my place.”
“ OK.”
Both people left the place, Karen getting into her car and the guy getting into his. She pulled out of the lot and he followed, driving the two miles back to her place, where he parked his car along side the curb behind hers.
After they both got out of their cars, Karen lead the guy up to her dingy apartment. Once inside, the man looked around and took note of the mess. Everything was disorganized with clothes and other things laying around, the place obviously never cleaned.
Not caring, he was obviously more interested in her than anything else.
“Let’s see the money.”, said Karen.
The man reached for his wallet in his back pocket and said, “ Will a hundred do?”
“Can you make it a little more?”
He shrugged his shoulders and finally gave her a hundred and twenty five dollars.
As he paid her, the young lady noticed more money in his wallet.
After he returned the wallet to his back pocket, Karen said, “ OK…let’s do it.”
The whore began to undress, taking everything off as he did the same. When they were both naked, Karen lead the man into her bedroom and was about to flop herself down to the mattress, expecting him to get on top of her and copulate. However, the guy quickly fell to his knees and took hold of her, rotating the lady until her ass faced him. A second later, the guy began kissing her butt like mad, all exciting by her nice curvaceous backside.
“ OK…”, said Karen, “…if that’s what you wanna do…go ahead.”
He went on and on for the next five minutes until the man suddenly pushed his mouth and tongue up into her butt and began licking her asshole, going on and on.
Karen made a smirky smile to herself, but nevertheless let him go at it, the guy licking and licking away like crazy, really all turned on by her butt!
Ten minutes later, he rotated her frame again and shoved his mouth into her big hairy cunt, the guy licking her pussy now, slurping away, causing Karen to say, “ Yea…keep doing that…feels good!”
As he licked, she began to moan, “ OHHHHH…yea…yesssssssssss…yea…lick me LICK ME!!!”
He kept licking her for over five minutes until Karen yelled forth, “OHHHH…YEA…YEA…I’M GONNA CUM…YEA…OHHHHHHHHHHHHH…YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!”
Finally, she had an orgasm, cumming herself!
After she caught her breath, the man took hold of his dick and began playing with himself as he kept kneeling before her, looking up at the lady, and saying, “ Please…oh please…piss in my mouth…please!!!”
“OK”, replied Karen as she spread her legs a little and placed her hands on her hips.
His mouth went wide open under her pussy. Finally, the young lady relieved herself, pissing and pissing away into his mouth until she was done and he came.
With his mouth full of piss, the guy quickly got up and went into the adjacent bathroom, where he knelt before the open toilet and spit out the warm yellow stuff.
As he spent a few moments in the bathroom, rinsing his mouth out as well, naked Karen slowly snuck back to the living room and went over to the guy’s pants, where she took hold of his wallet and opened it, seeing an addition two hundred dollars. However, before she could take the money, the man emerged from the bathroom and saw her, saying, “ Hey…what are you doing?”
Startled, she replied with, “ Um…nothing…I was just looking for something.”
“That’s my wallet you got there…you’re trying to steal my money.”
Mocking the man, she now replied, “ Fuck you…why don’t you kiss my ass…ha ha!!!”
Not saying anything else, the man marched over and grabbed his wallet from her hand and quickly got back into his clothes while she did the same, finally slipping into her boots.
“I really could use some extra money…can you give me some.”, said Karen.
“ Then go back to the bar and find some other guy…I’m leaving.”
“Fuck you!”, said Karen.
The man said nothing more, he simply left her apartment, got into his car, and drove off.
Alone again, Karen did nothing for a few moments until she left the apartment herself, went down to her car, parked her ass behind the wheel, and drove off to the bar again.
She hung around the bar for the next couple of hours, but no one seem interested, the whore couldn’t find any more “business” for the day.
Frustrated, she left the place and drove to the center of the small town. She parked her car and got out, walking over to the street corner, where she just stood there and arched her ass out to the street a few times now and then, hoping she’d get a “customer”. However, ten minutes later, she saw a police car pull around another corner, headed her way. Getting scared, she acted like nothing was happening and slowly went back to her car and drove off, happy to see the cop drive on by, not paying any attention to her.
As she drove her car, she realized it was already getting dark. Driving along, she was thinking about where else to go and make some money, when she happened to pass a small park. She glance over and saw some old man seated at one of the benches all by himself, no one else around, the place looking all deserted. Thinking she might get something, the young drug addicted lady pulled into the lot and parked her car. She got out and walked over to the man still sitting there, holding his cane in one hand.
Karen wasted no time, she stopped in front of the guy and then pulled up her T-shirt, exposing her two nice breasts, saying, “ How about it…c’mon…fifty bucks and I’ll let you suck my tits!”
The old man was surprised at what he saw. His eyes went wide open. However, a moment later, he simply smiled and said, “ Nice…but I’m too old for that stuff…not anymore…sorry.”
“ Oh c’mon.”
Getting angry now, Karen lowered her shirt and asked in a demanding tone of voice, “ How much money you got on you?”
At this point, the man got defensive and said, “ Leave me alone.”
He was about to get up and leave, when Karen pushed back at him, throwing him back down to the seat. Desperate for another “fix”, the drug addict screamed, “ Let’s see how much fucken money you got on you!”
“ Go away or I’ll call the police.”
“Give me some money!”, yelled Karen at the feeble old person.
The guy reached for his phone and was about to dial for help. Quickly, Karen grabbed the man’s cane and brought it down over the guy’s head, the young lady striking him over and over nine times, smashing part of this head in until he was dead.
Under the cover of darkness, she quickly searched the man, finally finding his wallet, the thing holding a little over a hundred dollars. She took the money and threw the cane to the side. Karen went back to her car, got in, and drove back home.
Inside her apartment, she dialed a number and heard, “Hello.”
“ It’s me…Karen…I got some money…can you come over and give more of the stuff.”
“ Yea…OK…if you got the money…I’ll be right over.”
She hung up and went into the kitchen, pouring herself a drink, waiting for the drug dealer to arrive. Despite some of the troubles she had that day, the wicked bitch now felt good, not in the least bothered by what she did.
The End