Copyright 2002
Femdom Literature
Drawings by Maxie Dickey
“ Ok…it all sounds pretty good to me, the rent’s reasonable…when can I stop by and look at it?”
“ You can come over today if you want…I’m here most of the day…not gonna go outside till latter this evening.”
“ Yea…great…give me about a half hour and I’ll be there…oh, and by the way…what’s your name, ma’am?”
“ I’m Karen, and you are?”
“ My name’s Paul.”
“ Ok…Paul, I’ll be waiting…just press the button for apartment twenty and I’ll buzz you in…you got the address from the add in the papers, right?”
“ Yes I do…ok, I’ll be there like I said…a half hour.”
“ Fine, bye.”
“ Bye.”
Upon hanging up the receiver, Paul left his apartment in the dilapidated neighborhood and strolled down to his car parked along side the curb. After he got in and fired up the engine, the twenty seven year old guy drove off, headed to a better part of town, the present area going to the dogs, telling him it’s time to move on.
At last, Paul reached the address and parked his vehicle in a lot behind the structure, the building having forty suites. Getting out, he ventured around the place to the front entrance and stepped into a small lobby having the buzzer things and the mailboxes. The button pressed, he heard over an intercom, “ Who is it?”
“ It’s me, Paul.”
“ Ok.”
Less than four seconds later, the door’s lock made a noise and Paul pulled on the knob, happy to see the entrance open with no problem. Inside, he went up two flights of stairs until he got to the third floor. Following the numbers on the respective doors, the young man finally stood before suite twenty. After her knocked twice on the door, it suddenly moved inward, revealing the face and stature of a young lady.
“ Hi…come in.”
“ Thanks.”, answered the guy, stepping into the apartment.
“ Here…take a seat.”
Again, he replied with, “ Thanks.”
When he sat down on the couch, Karen looked at him and asked, “ Care for a cup of coffee or something?”
“ Yes…that’d be great…thanks.”
With an attractive demur, the twenty eight year old female turned around and ventured into the kitchen. As her back was aimed at the guy, Paul obviously measured her off, seeing the good looking lady dressed in well fitting blue jeans, a single black tube top, and black leather stiletto boots going up into the pants legs, the leather leading up to her knees under the denim material. Together with her short dark-brown hairs, the young woman’s walk gave her a slight edge of sophistication and confidence. His eyes glued to her behind for a moment, Paul mumbled quietly to himself, “ Wow…what an ass, and I mean…what an ass!”
Her prefect posterior doing its thing, swaying back and forth as she strolled, Karen finally disappeared behind the kitchen’s entrance and went up to the coffee brewer, getting the stuff ready.
While he sat there, the image of her butt was still fresh in his mind as he again mumbled to his own ears, “ What would I give to have her sit on my face…oh what would I give!”
Finally, the dark-haired lady emerged with two cups on a tray. The thing set down on the livingroom’s table, Karen poured some cream into his cup and gave it to him. After he took hold of the ceramic thing, she did the same for herself when she eventually asked in a rhetorical mode, “ Ok…so you want the apartment?”
“ Yes.”
“ All right, I’ll show it to you.”
“ And I take it you’re the building manager?”
“ Yes…I take care of all the day to day things…call maintenance if something needs fixing or whatever.”
As he drank the brew, he asked further, “ So how long have you had this job?”
“ It’s a part-time thing obviously…I’ve been doing it for two and a half years now.”
Nodding his head, Paul finished off the coffee when he cautiously inquired, “ What do you do otherwise? I mean…, I don’t wanna sound nosy…just wondering.”
“ No, no…that’s fine…I work at a research lab, it’s all about biochemical and bionuclear stuff.”
“ Sounds pretty heavy…you must have brains.”
A smile on her lips, she replied, “ Who knows…I’m just making use of my master’s in biology, that’s all.”
Again, he simply nodded his head while she finished up with her coffee.
“ And what do you do for a living?”, asked Karen, placing the empty cup back to the tray.
“ I’m a stockroom manager for a Wal-Mart.”
“ Guess you got your hands full then…right?”
Laughing, he responded, “ Yea…you could say that.”
Since she was on her feet during the whole conversation, Karen simply strolled over to the door and said, “ Ok…follow me…I’ll show it to you now.”
Getting up, he answered, “ Ok.”
Out in the hall, Paul followed Karen, walking a few feet behind her, his eyes looking down now and then at her butt, the beautiful thing moving in front of him, it’s perfect image making a powerful impression on the guy’s horny disposition.
When they got down to the second floor, she lead him to the vacant suite, number eleven. Looking up toward the ceiling for a moment, Paul remarked while she reached into her pants pocket and removed the key, “ This suite’s right under yours.”
“ Yes it its.”, replied Karen, opening the door and stepping inside, Paul right at her tail.
Inside the place, Paul looked around when he finally said, “ Ok…I like it…I’ll take it.”
“ Good…then let’s go back to my place and you can fill out the application…after that…you can pay the deposit and the first month’s rent…if by some chance, the company doesn’t accept you, you get all the money back.”
“ Sounds good to me…you’ll obviously call when it’s approved?”
“ Sure will…you should get an answer in four or five days.”
Back in her apartment, Paul wrote out a check, filled out the form, and asked a few more basic questions until he finally left and returned home.
Just as expected, five days later in the evening, Karen called, “ You’re approved…you can stop by tonight for the keys if you want…then it’s all yours, move in at your own convenience.”
“ Oh…great, thanks…I’ll be right over.”
Paul went there and picked up the keys, returning to the crummy neighborhood less than an hour later. The next day, he started packing, moving in little by little, taking over a week’s time, even renting a pickup truck in the process. At last, he was through, happy to live in his new apartment now, feeling safer and more secure, this new side of town much better, no hoods, crooks, dope pushers, and whatever else.
After he was settled into his new apartment, everything taken out of the boxes and put in place, Paul fell back into his routine, getting up in the morning, going to work, coming home, and doing all the other stuff he usually does on a regular basis.
When he was already living there for three weeks, Paul eventually realized that Karen got up for work in the morning an hour before he did, for a few times, he was awakened by the sound of her footsteps above, her movements causing the wooden floors to sometimes squeak a little.
In fact, one weekday morning, Paul woke up to the sound of Karen stepping out of bed, her bedroom directly above his. Listening carefully, he heard her walk out of the room and into another chamber directly above his bathroom, which was obviously the bathroom in her apartment. His ears strained somewhat, trying to hear as much as possible, Paul listened on, finally making out a very faint sound.
“ She’s pissing…”, mumbled Paul to himself, hearing her urine trickle down into the toilet bowl. “ She’s got her nice naked ass on the toilet seat and she’s pissing!” Speaking further to himself, he softly mentioned, “ I bet she’s all naked too…oh yea…, she’s pissing…she’s peeing, peeing right down in the water below her butt, her ass, her ass…yea…her ass!”
Over and over, the guy whispered away, “ She’s pissing…she’s peeing, peeing, pissing…piss flowing right from her cunt!”
A few seconds later, the sound of his own words caused him to erect. Reaching down to his cock, Paul started playing with himself as the gentle sound from above went on and on. At last, right when she flushed the toilet, he came, cumming directly into his pajama pants.
Slowly, at the sound of Karen taking a shower, the guy drifted back to sleep until about an hour later when his alarm went off, causing him to get up, clean himself, get dressed, eat breakfast, and finally leave for work.
When he came home in the late afternoon, the man ate supper, did a few things here and there around the apartment, then sat down on the livingroom’s sofa, and simply read a book for the next two hours. Eventually, he showered off, went into a fresh set of night clothes, and crawled atop his bed’s mattress, going to sleep.
Such was his normal routine until a month later, one evening, when the guy was seated on the couch, reading a book again. While he was lost in the novel’s pages, Paul suddenly heard Karen’s footsteps above, the lady walking around in her own livingroom. Not thinking much of it, the light sound of her feet upon the carpet above being something he was already used to, Paul continued to read until he realized something. Looking away from the print for a moment and concentrating upon a new and different sound, Paul recognized what resembled the noise made by an electric drill. Sure enough, the sound got slightly louder and louder until up in the right hand corner of the livingroom’s ceiling, above the opposite wall, Paul saw a fine mist of plaster fall downward, striking the carpet.
“ What the hell’s that?”, asked the man to himself as he set the book to the side, got up, and ventured over, looking up at the white ceiling.
Staring away, he eventually saw the metal tip of a long thin drill bit come through, the thing staying there for a second, then move back upward, disappearing into the fresh small hole.
Perplexed and confused, he continued to gaze on as the sound of the electric drill stopped. For the next ten seconds, there was only silence, a haunting silence, giving him a very strange and frightening feeling.
Finally, the silence was broken by another sound. His eyes glued to the ceiling, Paul watched as a very thin plastic hollow straw like thing emerged from the hole, its color red. While he stared away, the end of the plastic object went slowly lower and lower until it was five or six inches below the ceiling, sticking out from the fine opening.
Scratching his head, Paul didn’t really know what to think when suddenly a spray came forth, looking similar to what comes out of an aerosol can. With the mist quickly spreading throughout the room, the man backed off a couple of steps. However, it was too late for the guy, his lungs took in some of the stuff, whatever it was.
Before he know it, his whole frame felt funny, almost like an electrical shock went through his body. Still looking up at the same corner of the ceiling, Paul saw the spray stop and the thin red straw go up into the hole and vanish.
While his eyes explored his own livingroom, everything around him appeared to get larger and larger, the sofa behind him seemed to blow itself up many times its normal size. Finally, he looked down at himself, seeing his clothes fall off, the attire getting looser and looser. Suddenly, he realized the powerful and shocking truth, the room didn’t change, it was himself that changed, he was shrinking, and shrinking fast, getting smaller and smaller!
In no time, less than fifty seconds, the shrinking stopped together with the weird feeling. As he crawled off his clothes and stood on the carpet, he judged correctly that he was now only two inches tall!
“ Holy crap…how can this be!”, yelled the little naked guy to himself, scared almost out of his mind.
Despite his fear and confusion, he did realize one thing, the mist was disappearing fast, very fast. In less than another minute’s time, it was all gone, just as if it were never there in the first place.
Not knowing what to do, Paul just stood there like a naked fool when he again heard footsteps from above, followed by the sound of her apartment door opening and then closing. In extreme anxiety, the tiny creature waited and waited, his little heart beating away, everything around him making him feel inferior.

Eventually, about a minute and a half later, he quickly turned his eyes toward the livingroom’s door, the main entrance of his suite. Listening, he heard a key go into the lock. Next, the knob turned and the wooden panel slowly rotated inward, squeaking slightly, causing a cold chill to go up his spine.
As terror overwhelmed him, the little man held his hand to his mouth and gazed on with wide open eyes. To his utter amazement, he watched as a giant looking black leather stiletto boot came forth from behind the door, followed by another. Shaking, Paul continued to gaze on, seeing the magnificent and awesome footwear come closer and closer, the door falling shut behind them.
In a few seconds time, the boots were right in front of him, only inches away. Fear written all over him, Paul slowly and timidly moved his gaze upward. First, he saw the black boot. Then he saw her pants. Next, his eyes past a belt, an exposed navel area, a black tube top covering two beautiful breasts, and finally, he looked into a set of dark eyes, seeing Karen’s face, the woman obviously dressed the same as the first day they met.
Watching her stuff the spare key into her well fitting pants pocket, Paul worked up the nerve to yell, “ Karen…what happened?”
A very relaxed expression on her face, the woman slowly shifted her weight to one side, placed her right hand on her hip, and coldly remarked more to herself than to the insignificant man at her feet, “ It works…yes, it works…years of research and it finally works.”
“ What are you talking about…please help!”
With a diabolical smile, she answered, “ I shrank you, sprayed a solution down here into your apartment, it’s radioactive for only a few moments, then it’s harmless…but during those crucial moments…it’ll shrink any living thing that breaths it in.”
“You mean you did this to me on purpose?”
“ No…I ‘ve been working on this secret project of mine for five years and it was all an accident. Ofcourse I did it with intent…you fool!”
“ Why?”
“ I’ll tell you why once we’re upstairs in my apartment.”
Before he could run, Karen squatted and reached for him, grabbing the man and dropping him into the palm of her other hand. When she stood straight again, the wicked woman left his apartment, locked the door, and went up to her place.
Once inside, she dropped the little naked guy to the sofa and then sat down next to him, placing her shapely, curvaceous, perfectly rounded, and just plane spectacular ass only inches from his reduced and helpless frame.
“ Ok…as for your question, I may as well tell you.”
“ Can you make me normal again?”
“ Shut up…I’m talking now, understand?”
Her much larger stature terrifying him, the little guy only nodded his head, listening now to her words, “ Like I told you when you moved in, I work with sophisticated biological stuff…where I work, I’ve got my own lab…and it’s there that I discovered this…no one knows about it yet, except you ofcourse, you’re my first human test…and oh yea…as you can see…it really works!”

“ Why…what’s the whole point?”
“ It’s gonna be for my own personal glory…when I get this all set up, I’m gonna figure out a way to transfer the shrink medium from a spray to a radioactive beam, when that’s done…I’ll force it into every broadcast frequency around…shrink everyone in the whole fucken world except for myself and maybe a few others.”
“ But why…it ain’t right!”
“ Yea it is…the world needs order…to much shit’s going on everywhere…and I’ll then be mistress of the planet, everyone’ll be at my feet…it’ll all be mine…everyone’ll be my slave!”
“ But won’t most people end up dead…you can’t go around and gather up everyone.”
“ I know and I don’t give a fuck…I’ll keep only a million or so for myself, the rest can starve or whatever, I’ll build a new civilization with myself as the all powerful goddess!”
“ That’s crazy…it’s immoral, that’s nothing but genocide and mass murder!”
“ Like I said…I don’t give a fuck…I want it all!”
“ Karen, you can’t do this!”
“ And what are you gonna do about it, bug?”
“ Ah…I don’t know…it just ain’t right.”
“ You don’t get it…I’ll decide what’s right and what’s wrong…I’ll have the power…, it’ll be the ultimate transvaluation of all values!”
“ You said you might leave a few others normal?”
“ I said maybe…but one thing I know for sure.”
“ What?”
“ If I leave anyone normal, they’ll all be women.”
“ Women?”
“ That’s right, male…after I shrink everyone, I’m gonna lay down some new laws, placing women in control, even in the reduced populations the tiny females’ll have the upper hand.”
“ Why?”
“ Because that’s what I want…and that’s how it’s gonna be!”
“ Please…don’t do this!”
Reaching for him, she moved the tiny naked man to her face and said in an evil tone, “ You can’t tell me what I can do or not do, understand?”
Frightened, he obviously replied, “ Yes!”
“ Yes what?”
“ Yes ma’am!”
“ That’s better…never forget your place, I call the shots around here…and when I’m through with everything, I’ll call the shoots everywhere…ha, ha!”
Since he now realized he couldn’t persuade her to change her mind or return him to normal, he decided to humor her, saying, “ So you’re gonna end up as dictator of the whole world?”
“ That’s right…it’ll be me…me over everything!”
“ You must feel pretty good about yourself?”
“ Right now, I must admit that I’m really full of myself…turned on by my own ego!”
As she said the last sentence, dark-haired sexy Karen raised her good looking butt from the cushion and ventured into another room, leaving him on the sofa. When she came back, Karen was holding a black SS officer’s cap that she bought at some army-navy surplus store. After the woman put the macabre thing upon her head, the attractive lady strolled over to a full length mirror, stopping directly before it, admiring her reflection while her jean clad ass was aimed toward the couch at the room’s far side, little Paul sitting there, staring away at her rear.

Helplessly sitting there, Paul watched as she moved her right hand down toward her crotch area and began rubbing it, while moaning, “ Ohhhh, it feels so goooood…to be in control, yesssss!”
Quickly, the psycho-lady reached for her belt buckle and opened it. In no time, she popped open her trousers and pulled ‘em off, forcing her jeans over her elegant knee high boots. After she removed her panties as well, she tossed the attire to the side and then wripped off her tube top, dropping the black thing to the floor. With only the glorious black boots and the Nazi cap on, Karen continued to admire herself, reaching for her nipples, caressing her own breasts!
Again, she lowered her hand to her cunt, inserted her right hand’s middle finger into the hot opening, found her sweltering clit, and began rubbing herself.
“ Ohhhhhh…yea…ohh!”, exclaimed the brunette, getting off at her own image.
While she played with herself, she slowly pressed her lips to the glass and kissed her reflection, saying, “ I love you…I respect you…you’re the only equal I’ve got…there’s no one else for me to look up to…I worship you and only you…you’re the glory…the power, all that which is great…!”
Her clit obviously rock hard, Karen next pulled her face away from the mirror and turned around, looking over at tiny Paul, their eyes locking.
“ What…why are you looking at me like that?”, cried the man, scared of the woman.
“ Like I said…you’re the first of my tiny slaves.”

In terror, Paul watched Karen move toward him until she stood before the sofa, bent down, and raised him up. Slowly, she squatted and set him to the floor, stood straight again, then ordered, “ Kiss the leather…kiss and worship my boots!”
His fear caused him to freeze and hesitate, the footwear looming before him making him more nervous than ever, forever worried that he’ll get stepped on. As a result, she yelled, “ Kiss…worship me, or you’re dead!”
“ Yes ma’am.”, answered Paul with a tiny shaky voice, pressing his lips to the right boot’s toe, kissing away at it, also working himself around the leather thing’s edge, debasing himself before her glory.
While he worshipped the awesome stiletto attractions, Karen fingered and played away at her hairy cunt, working up more and more wetness, her vaginal fluids getting thicker and thicker!
Next, the wicked lady arched her head back and let out a euphoric scream, “ Yea…ohhhhhh…yesssssss…it’s all gonna be mine…the whole world’s gonna be at my feet!” Suddenly, she burst forth, cumming down the inside of her own legs, her cunt hotter than ever!
Catching her breath, Karen slowly removed her hand from her crotch and placed both hands on her hips, her legs now slightly apart. When her pulse was finally back to normal, the woman stared down at him and grinned, saying, “ You’re nothing…you’re nothing but trash, a piece of crap at my feet, you’re worth nothing…!”
Pulling his face away from the leather, he stood directly below her frame, between her boots, looking right up into her evil, yet seductive eyes, crying, “ Please…have mercy…please!”
“ The sight of you, small and helpless, is a real turn on…you don’t know how I feel right now…my cunt’s still throbbing!”
Her clit stiffer then a few minutes ago , she simply remarked, “ I own you…you’re my property!”
“ Please!”
Before he could run out of the way, Karen relieved herself right down on top of him, her yellow piss splashing onto the carpet as well. Backing off, he slipped and fell, getting drenched now in urine, puddles of the smelly stuff forming all around him!
“ Ha, ha…piss on you, you little jerk!”
A minute later, she stopped, seeing the tiny man get to his feet and look fearfully up at her. Next, she squatted and took the guy up, pinching him between her fingers. After she stood straight again, Karen slowly moved the little man back behind her butt and sadistically shoved him up her ass, hearing, “ No, no…!”
Laughing to herself, the super sexy pervert simply strolled across the room and reached for a folder full of papers. The thing in hand, she walked over to the sofa, turned around, and lowered her ASS! to the cushion, little Paul trapped in her nice tight butt! When her rear was in place, Paul tried in vein to free himself, squirming around, using every effort to get out from under her firm posterior.
While she read away at some of the sophisticated schematics, her future plans on how to send a subatomic shrink beam all over the world, Karen said down to her victim, “You ain’t going anywhere for the next hour…so you’d better just stay still or I’ll kill on you…how’d you like that?”

To her satisfaction, he stopped squirming. For almost sixty minutes, the lady read the time away. At last, she placed the papers to the side, got up, pulled the tiny man from her ass, tossed him to the cushion, and then cleaned up the floor where she pissed down at him.
As he simply sat there, small, naked, and afraid, Paul could do nothing but gaze on, knowing that in a short time, things would be really different, so different that civilization itself will take on a whole new meaning.
The End