Copyright 1999
Femdom Literature
Drawings by Maxie Dickey
Browsing through the items all neatly laid out, Jessica looked each object. They seemed quite novel as far as she was concerned. Never before had the twenty one year old seen such things. With an ever increasing curiosity, the dark haired Hispanic girl picked one of the objects up and felt ts smooth surface.
Eying her with both suspicion and a desire to make a sale, an old lady ask, ” Young lady…you interested…do you wanna buy something?”
Taking in a deep breath, Jessica gazed around for a moment and took in the scenery. The mountains of Bolivia stood majestically in the background, dwarfing the small village. After musing for almost a complete minute, the five foot six inch tall girl finally said, ” Yea, no problem…how much?”
Smiling with the gaze of victory, the elder woman replied, ” Seven”.
Jessica returned the gaze and ask, ” Oh, c’mon, it isn’t worth that much.”
However, the old lady held steadfast to her price, saying, ” Young lady, trust me…you get more than your money’s worth.”
Making a sigh, Jessica said, “All right, here.” The young beauty reached into her purse and produced the money. She took the item and placed the stone into her hand bag.
Walking away, the sexy girl saw a cafe ahead. Stopping in front of the place, she moved forth and decided on a cup of coffee. Jessica took the cup and sat her attractive ass at one of the tables. Drinking away at the black substance, Jessica simply decided to look the purchase over. As a result, she went through her purse and eventually produced the stone. Tilting her head to one side, Jessica marveled at its artistic decor. Upon its surface was carved an elaborate geometrical pattern. Not knowing its meaning, Jessica only speculated about the intricate pattern of circles, squares, and triangles. Aside from that, the piece seemed like an ordinary chunk of black stone. Finishing her coffee, the dark eyed young lady replaced the rock in her leather hand bag, got up, and returned home.
Ascending the stairs of the old apartment building, Jessica made it to her small abode, opened the door with her key, and went in. Upon relocking, the girl threw her purse atop the old worn out couch and turned on the radio. Talking about the nation’s economy, the man on the radio went on and on about what should and should not be done. Speaking to herself, the Jessica said, ” Another asshole promising this and that…it’s all bullshit!” Turing the knob, Jessica finally found the music, causing her to relax back on the couch.
Listening to the radio for ten minutes, the young woman decided to check her reservation at the airport. Getting up, the jean clad girl went over to the phone and dialed the number. After lady’s voice answered, Jessica said, ” Hello, this is Jessica Rodriques, I’ve got a reservation for tomorrow to the states at eleven.”
On the other end, the receptionist said, ” Ok, wait a second.” Thirty seconds later, Jessica heard, ” Yes ma’am, everything’s fine…you can be here tomorrow and catch the flight.”
Jessica replied, ” Good, thanks.” Hanging up, the girl smiled and finally said to herself, ” Great, can’t wait to get outta here…money…that’s what I want.”
Feeling somewhat happy and exhilarated about her new life in the United States, Jessica spent the rest of the day packing her suitcase and dreaming about what’s to come. Finished, Jessica turned in for the night after taking a bath in an old style basin tub. Lying awake in the darkness, the girl was overcome by a strange feeling. She sat up upon the mattress and stared off into space. However, to the side, she glanced at her purse. The leather thing seemed to glow in some way or another. An obvious curiosity overtook her. Getting out of bed, Jessica went over to her purse and looked inside. The stone radiated a soft florescence of a type she had never seen before. Working up some courage, the wide eyed girl stuck her hand in and took out the artifact. Surprisingly, it wasn’t warm or hot. Viewing it with the utmost in attention, Jessica turned it over and saw that the glow emanated from all points. However, what she further observed was a small hole in the front of the oval shaped thing. Inspecting the indentation, Jessica observed a red glow come from the interior. Perplexed by both the blue outer florescence and the red interior, Jessica placed the stone down upon the night stand. Immediately, the object went dark and returned to normal. Intrigued and anxious at the same time, she said softly to herself, ” Looks as if the old bitch was right, there’s more to this thing than one at first expects.” Finally, overcome with sleepiness, Jessica returned to bed, covered herself, and fell asleep.
Waking up the next morning, Jessica immediately took hold of the rock and looked it over. Nothing, it was as plane as ever. As a result, she simply returned it to her purse and got ready for her trip and new life. Glancing at her watch, the time was now ten to nine. Therefore, Jessica got up, got dressed, and ate breakfast. With all done and ready, the woman called a cab. A half hour later, a horn sounded downstairs. She looked out the window and waved to the driver. Seeing her, the man nodded and smiled. Picking up her suitcase, Jessica left the apartment for the last time. Down stairs, she entered the taxi with her baggage and said, ” To the airport.” He drove off. Finally, the vehicle pulled before the main terminal, and she got out after paying her fair.
Walking through the glass doors, the girl headed strait to the airline window and told them about reservation. Next, she went through the security post and out to the plane. Jessica got on board and took a seat next to a window about midway down the main isle. There, she had a great view of everything. Staring through the glass, the girl awaited takeoff. Holding tight to her purse and its strange content, Jessica was up and on her way to a new world.
Striking the cement, the plane’s tires momentarily screeched as the jet gracefully landed on the runway. Coming to a halt, the side door opened and let the people out. Jessica went over to the terminal and walked inside. After retrieving her suitcase, she passed an overhang sign saying, ” Welcome to Indianapolis.” Jessica progressed further until she stood before an escalator. Here, Ms. Rodriques stepped on board and was carried to an upper level revealing the outside world. Looking to the right, Jessica observed a number of people holding signs with names on them. Knowing what to do, the dark haired girl went toward the placards and finally saw her name on one of them. Moving up to the man, she ask, ” You’re here to take me to the Shaw’s residence…right?”
The man in black nodded, saying, ” I obviously take it that you’re Jessica Rodriques?”
Jessica answered, “Yes, that’s me.”
The man escorted the lady out of the terminal to a car parked along the curb. She got in and sat her beautiful ass on the seat. Afterward, the chauffer got in and drove off to the suburbs.
A half hour later, the vehicle pulled into a long drive flanked on both sides by trees. After what seemed to be a long time for a poor girl like Jessica, the car eventually pulled up before a mansion. Turning his head back, the guy said, ” Ok Jessica…this is it.” After saying this, the man got out himself and removed her suitcase from the trunk. Finally, he got back in and drove away behind the structure.
With the suitcase in one hand, and her purse hanging to the other side, Jessica slowly ascended the front steps. Standing before the elegant door, Jessica was a sight in itself. Dressed in a pair of blue jeans, a cream colored blouse, and a pair of high heeled black leather boots hidden under the pants legs, Jessica rang the door bell. After hearing the chime, the door opened and a seventeen year old blond answered, saying, ” Hello, you must be the new house keeper?” Nodding in compliance, Jessica was escorted into the beautiful home and led into the spacious livingroom. There, the girl took a seat on the sofa. Standing upright with her hands upon her hips, the sexy blond pointed in the direction of an adjoining entrance and said, ” My mom will be here in a second.” Sure enough, as Jessica turned her head in the direction the girl pointed, her eyes fell upon an attractive middle aged female approximately Jessica’s own height. Further, this lady was dressed in a pair of white dress slacks and an expensive looking silk blouse. Moreover, her hair was sandy colored and shoulder length. Moving forward with her sexy physique, the lady eventually stood before Jessica. Getting up, the immigrant extended her hand and both females shook.
“My name’s Vera Shaw,” said the mother, also saying, ” Sit back down, Jessica, make yourself at home, for this’ll be your home as long as you want to work here.”
Taking a seat, the Latino girl watched the lady sit down as well. The daughter, wearing only a pair of designer shorts and a T-shirt, together with high heeled sandals, turned around and left, walking away with a sexy shake.
“Ok”, said the lady, ” I’ll explain everything to you…after that, I’ll show you to your room.” Starting off the general instructions, the woman progressed on and on about all of Jessica’s duties. She even left and returned with a list. After over forty five minutes of talk, Vera stood up and said, ” All right…Jessica, does everything sound OK to you?”
The attractive Hispanic girl replied, ” Oh yea, I think I’ll like it hear…it’s so peaceful.” Smiling, Mrs. Shaw escorted the young lady upstairs to her chamber. Upon opening the door, the dark haired girl saw a beautifully furnished room, having she needed.
While tossing her suitcase atop the bed, Jessica heard Vera say, ” Dinner will be ready at six…you can start working tomorrow morning as instructed.” Nodding in return, Jessica watched as Vera turned around, closed the door behind her, and left.
Returning her attention to the suitcase, Jessica opened it and began to unpack. She removed all her belongings and started placing them in particular locations. Seeing the closet, the young lady went over and put her clothes inside. With the job all done, Jessica tossed her curvaceous and seductive looking frame upon the mattress and peered out the window. ” Lovely”, she remarked to herself as the dark haired girl reached over for her purse. Zipping it open, Jessica retrieved the stone and placed it atop the night stand. She spent the time before dinner just laying there and taking a nap afterward. Finally, she awoke to find five thirty upon the digital clock. Getting up, Ms. Rodriques adjusted her hair before the mirror and yawned herself to awareness. Ten minutes before six, Jessica descended the steps and entered the kitchen. She was alone. However, dinner was already atop the table and some coffee was brewing in the maker. Jessica reached for the glass pot and poured herself a cup. Walking over to the refrigerator, she got herself some milk and poured a little into the coffee.
While Jessica leaned up against the counter and sipped away, the blond daughter entered and said, ” I’m glad you work here now…from now on, I ain’t making supper anymore.” Jessica only smiled in response as the sexy seventeen year old placed her ass into one of the kitchen chairs.
As the girl pulled her chair toward the table, Jessica ask, ” I didn’t get your name?”
Eying Jessica with slight agitation, the spoiled rich kid replied, ” Wendy.”
Afterward, Vera entered followed by a six foot tall man. Mrs. Shaw stopped for a second, then turned to her husband and said, ” Oh…Roy, this is Jessica, the girl we hired to take care of the place.
Extending his hand, the dark haired and blue eyed man said, ” Pleased to meet you, Ms. Rodriques…I hope you really like it here.”
They both shook and Vera said, ” Well, let’s eat dinner.” Everyone sat down.
As they ate, Jessica ask, ” So, Mr. Shaw, what do you do for a living?”
The man answered between bites of his food, ” I own a company that manufactures pots and pans.”
The Hispanic girl quietly nodded as Vera looked in her direction and said, “I hope you plan to be with us for a while…we really need the help.”
Replying, the young lady said, ” Oh yes, I intend to stay in the states indefinitely…hopefully they’ll give me the citizenship after a year or two.”
When they were all done eating, Roy got up and left. However, Vera said to Wendy, ok clean up and wash the dishes.”
Turning her head quickly in her mother’s direction, the blond snapped back, ” What the fuck do we have her for? I don’t wanna do that shit anymore!”
Hearing this, Jessica stood up and said, ” Mrs. Shaw…that’s ok, I’ll clean up.”
The mother ask, ” You sure, you know you don’t start work officially until tomorrow morning?”
“No problem,” answered the girl. While Jessica went to work, Wendy stormed out of the kitchen, followed by her mother.
With everything off the table, the young lady finally stood behind the sink and began scrapping the cooking pan as the dishwasher hummed away. While cleaning the items, Jessica had a strange feeling overcome her. Sure enough, she turned and saw Roy staring at her. Immediately the man turned his glance and went over to the coffee brewer. Speaking in her direction, he said, ” You’re an attractive girl…got a boyfriend back where you came from?”
She only shook her head and replied, ” I had, but we broke up.”
Casually, he simply said, ” Well, have a great time here.” With the cup in hand, Roy left the kitchen. Finally, Jessica was all done and she went back up to her room.
Night flew by faster than she thought. Sleeping soundly, Jessica dreamt away about her new life in the United States. Images went in and out of her head until she was startled by the sound of the alarm. Rolling over, the dark-haired girl saw that it was six in morning. Her workday started at seven. Therefore, during the next hour, Jessica showered off in the bathroom going with the room. That done, the sexy beauty dressed herself in a fresh pair of jeans, another T-shirt, and ofcourse her boots. Jessica went downstairs, ate her own breakfast, and then began preparing the morning meal for everyone else.
The day progressed as she expected. However, one thing the girl did notice is that the pleasantries of Vera were beginning to fade. The lady became more and more demanding. In fact, there wasn’t much difference between Vera and her spoiled daughter. Further, when Roy arrived home, she noticed his constant interest in her. Indeed, whenever either his wife or daughter weren’t looking, the man glued his eyes to the girl like he wanted her!
The days became weeks and months. Eventually, Jessica had a system set up. Nevertheless, the work wasn’t as much fun as she thought. The family became increasingly hostile. Nothing was good enough for them. It was always, ” Jessica this, or Jessica that…” Wendy, in particular, became a real bitch. For example, one day the spoiled individual was lying upon her bed in her room with a pair of headphones on. Listening away, the blond yelled out, ” Hey Jess, get me another piece of that cake!” Immediately, Jessica responded and brought up the food. However, as the girl was about to leave, Wendy hollered after her, ” Hey Jess, go downstairs and get me that video dad was watching last night!” It went on and on. All Ms. Rodriques ever heard from the seventeen year old was, ” Hey Jess, hey Jess!”
It didn’t end with rudeness. Things went much further. Jessica’s worst fear was realized the evening Mrs. Shaw left with her daughter to the girl’s school for a student-parent-teacher interaction night. Consequently, she was alone with Roy. When Jessica finished things in the kitchen, she went up to her room and sat on the bed. However, ten minutes later, she heard a knock. Getting up, Jessica walked over and answered. Before her stood Roy with a seedy smile upon his face. Without even asking, the man pushed his way into her room, closing the door behind him. Staring into her eyes, he said, ” It’s been a while for you hasn’t it?”
The dark haired girl replied with, ” What do you want?”
He said, ” You know what I’m hear for.” Reaching toward her, the man placed his hand upon her ass!
Caressing her sexy rear, he next went for her belt. However, Jessica started to struggle with him yelling, ” No, no…don’t!”
It was all useless. He forced off all her clothes and finally pulled down his pants. With enthusiasm, the man raped her cunt! Finally, he stepped back and said, ” If you tell this to anyone, I’ll see that you’re fired and sent back to were you came from.” Crying, Jessica let her exposed ass fall atop the bed. Roy, on the otherhand, turned around and left after pulling his pants up.
Despite her situation, the young lady put herself together and got cleaned up. After showering off, she put her clothes back on and stared out the window for the rest of the evening. Finally, getting tired, Jessica eventually drifted off to sleep, not even taking off her clothes.
The next morning, she went through the routine. Taking all the negative things from the other two members of the household, she performed her duties without complaint. Further, as the weeks went on, Jessica realized that Roy would try again. Sure enough, the next time he was alone in the house with only Jessica, he forced himself upon her. Again, Jessica said nothing, and again the routine continued. Finally, she became resigned to the fact of abuse if she intended to stay in the country.
Returning to her room one evening, Jessica happened to notice the stone. It just sat there from the day she moved in. Curious that she didn’t see any further glow from the object, the dark-haired girl walked over and picked it up. Raising it, she looked at its outer contour. However, as she caressed its smooth surface, the strange blue glow appeared. Holding it steadily in her hand, she tilted it afterward. Jessica saw the red light. Curious, the girl crossed her index finger over the geometrical pattern engraved on the stone. Then, to her surprise, a red beam emerged from the hole and struck a picture hanging on the wall on the opposite side of the room. Startled, the young woman stepped back as she observed the painting. Rubbing her eyes in disbelief, Jessica walked slowly toward it. The curious and perplexed girl saw that it was the same work of art, only reduced to a much smaller size. Again, with wide open eyes, Jessica pointed the hole at another thing, namely a magazine atop the bed. Crossing her finger over the carving, she observed the beam come out. After it struck the subscription, the magazine shrank down to only a small fraction of its original size. By this time, Jessica had herself under control. She fiddled around with her discovery for a while longer and found that the initial glow is activated by picking it up and turning it over twice. Smiling with contentment, Jessica Rodriques now realized her increased status in the family Indeed, with a sadistic grin, the dark haired sexy girl said to herself, ” This place needs a change in hierarchy.” Laughing out loud, she turned the thing off by rotating it in the opposite direction.
Three days had past before she would be alone with Roy again. When evening came, the two other females had another meeting at Wendy’s school. Done with her work together with a few other trifles, Jessica went upstairs to her room. Standing in the center of the floor, she reached for the stone and slipped it into her pocket. After folding her arms, the dark-haired Latino girl watched as the door knob turned. As expected, the man entered with a grin on his horny face. He said, ” All right Jess, it’s you and me now!” Smiling all the while, Roy removed all his attire and finally stood naked before the housekeeper with a full erection.
” So, what do ya think?”, he ask conceitedly, ” Like my dick..I know you do…let’s have a go at it, shall we?” With total confidence, the rapist made his advance. However, when the man was no more than three feet away, Jessica removed the stone, rotated it, and then ran her index finger across the engraving. Suddenly, the red beam emerged and struck Roy in the chest. Afterward, the guy was completely engulfed in a light blue glow! Perplexed and stunned, Roy stopped dead in his tracks and exclaimed, ” What the fuck…!” Jessica stood there with the object in hand, her other hand upon her hip, and her weight shifted to her right leg. Staring at her frame, Roy began to notice that the girl seemed to get higher and higher. Shrinking ever further downward, the man was gradually moving his head back and looking up at her. A minute later, he stopped shrinking. Looking up, Roy eventually realized that she had shrunk him down to only two inches in height! Being tiny and naked, Roy was now at eye level with the base of her elegant stiletto boots!
Placing the stone atop the night stand, Jessica made a couple of steps toward him and said, ” So, little man, it looks as if the tides have turned, I’m in control now here, not you!” Squatting before her little prize, Jessica reached for him and raised the man up by one of his arms. Standing up straight again, Jessica said to the guy, ” I want it all, I want this house, your company, and everything else..I own both you and all you have.”
Shaking with fear, Roy responded, ” But what about Vera…she won’t go along with this!”
” Ha, ha, ha!”, laughed Jessica. ” That whore, together with your spoiled brat of a daughter have something coming to them also!” Then she said wickedly, ” Let’s go downstairs and see what we can do about transferring everything over to me.”
With the little man dangling between her sexy finger tips, Jessica made the descent to the study. After walking into the room, she placed Roy atop the computer work center and turned on the screen. Jessica demanded his bank account information, his deed to the house, and everthing else. Getting herself on line, the sexy girl entered all the information, together with her own bank account number. She transferred the lot of his assets over to herself. Afterward, she did the same with the title to both the estate and the company. Finally, the lady had it all.
Jessica stood up again and took her new “pet” with her. Walking over and out to the livingroom, Jessica placed Roy on the solfa and returned to her room to get the stone. The object in her pocket, the girl went back to the livingroom couch, sat down and placed her sexy jean clad ass next to the shrunken man. Again reaching for him, Jessica crossed her legs and lowered him to the floor. Peering down at him, she ordered, ” Little slave, you can begin kissing my boots!” With no choice in the matter, Roy began with the sole edges of her left stiletto masterpiece. Kissing away, the little man was overwhelmed by the female enjoying her new power. Indeed, Jessica was now experiencing a sexual rush! Nevertheless, she held back the desire to masturbate until after she would deal with Vera and Wendy. As the little man kissed away, the front entrance opened. Turning to look, Jessica didn’t expect the ladies yet. In fact, her eyes fell upon the chauffeur. Reaching in her pocket, Jessica pulled out the stone and aimed it at the man. Seconds later, he began shrinking. Finally, he was reduced to two inches in height.
Eying her accomplishment, Jessica got up and strolled over. Standing before the frightened little man, the dark-haired girl bent down and raised him up. After standing straight again, Jessica brought the chauffeur over to Roy and set the freshly shrunken guy before him. Looking down at both of them, the sexy girl said, ” Hey Roy, wanna see what’ll happen to you if you disobey me?” Next, Jessica raised the sole of her right boot over the chauffeur. Afterward, her foot came down and crushed the life out of the helpless little man. Laughing out loud, the dark haired girl exclaimed, ” With all the money I got now, I’ll just hire a new driver, ha, ha, ha…!”
Knowing now that everyone of her threats were serious, Roy started to make a run for it. However, she was too quick for his small steps. Bringing her boot down before him, he stopped and froze. She bent down and raised him over to the top of the sofa cushion. Dropping him like nothing, Jessica laughed away at his helplessness. Feeling an ever greater desire to humiliate, the good looking girl turned around and stuck her sexy curvaceous ass above Roy. Turning her head back, she also unbuckled her belt and let her jeans go down to her thighs. Afterward, the lady pealed away at her white panties and pulled them down just above her knees. Enthusiastically, she said, ” Respect my ass, you little slave or I’ll kill you!”
Lowering her rear some more, the girl’s butt was now directly above the little man. She ordered, ” Kiss and my ass…now!” Staring up at her butt , Roy did what she said. Slowly, he kissed and kissed. Viewing his progress, the girl adjusted her butt’s position to accommodate his servitude. As she watched on, the new mistress of the estate said, ” That’s right, this is how it should be…you’ll address me as Ms. Rodriques, is that clear?”
From the back of her gorgeous ass, the lady heard a feignt and squeaky, ” Yes Ms. Rodriques.”
Also, while caressing her rear with the palm of her right hand, Ms. Rodriques said, ” Oh yes, I’ll have all of you worship my butt!” Bathing in her glory, Jessica said to the slave, ” Tell me how great I am, tell me how right it is that I rule over you…I’m the power…tell me you respect and adore me…I’m your mistress, owner and ruler!”
Again, from under her ass, she heard, ” Ms. Rodriques, I worship your greatness, you own me…I’m hear to serve and obey you!.” Satisfied, the mistress pulled up her attire and sat herself next to the little defeated one.
Spending the next thirty five minutes toying and harassing her new slave, Jessica waited for the other two. Playing away, the young lady teased and terrified Roy with her long fingernails, pretending she would kill him!
Finally, while seated on the sofa, Jessica heard the front door open followed by the sound of lady’s footsteps. Vera and her spoiled daughter entered. Glancing forth, Jessica noted their confident and conceited air. However, as the women neared, Roy embarrassingly hid behind Jessica’s ass.
After both ladies neared the sofa, Jessica said up to Wendy with a sarcastic grin, ” Hey Wendy, go get me a glass of water.”
Stunned, the blond girl replied haughtingly, ” Why don’t you go get me a glass of water!”
Joining with her daughter in indignation, the mother said to Jessica, ” If you wanna keep this job, you’d better mind your place.”
Laughing, Jessica said to the lady dressed in casual slacks, ” Hey bitch…this place is mine now…you’ll do as I say.”
Giving Jessica an agitated stare, Vera replied, ” You’re fired…you can leave tomorrow!”
Jessica answered, ” I don’t think so…see…look for yourself.”
Pointing in the direction of the study, Jessica went on, ” Go in there and look at the computer screen, all your assets have been transferred to me.”
With an expression of disbelief, the suburban socialite ventured into the study. Less than fifteen seconds later, Vera ran back out yelling, ” You bitch, what the fuck have you done?!”
Smiling, Jessica only replied, ” Your dear husband, Roy, decided to sign everything over to me.”
Radiating pure hatred, Vera said with anguish in her voice, ” You did something illegal…I’m calling the police!”
Walking over to a telephone near the sofa, the woman was about to reach for the receiver when Jessica stood up and said, ” I don’t think so…in fact…you’ll never be able to reach for a phone again.”
Vera ask, ” What the hell are you talking about, bitch?”
Before Jessica could answer, Wendy screamed forth, ” Mom, look!” Pointing her finger at the sofa, Wendy went on in trepidation, ” That’s dad, look he’s small!”
Turning her head, Vera looked over and saw her shrunken husband. Filled with fear and curiosity, the woman ventured over to the couch and stood before it next to her daughter who was dressed in her usual high heeled sandals, but this time wearing sexy blue jeans just as Jessica. Looking upward with wide open eyes, Roy gazed up at the three women as they looked down at him.
Vera ask, ” Roy, is that you?”
He replied in a tiny voice, ” Yes Vera, it’s me…Jessica has something…she shrank me!” As Vera looked in Jessica’s direction, the mother noticed the dark-haired girl make several steps back. Finally, after reaching into her pocket, Jessica produced the stone and aimed it at Vera.
Smiling, Jessica said, ” All right bitch, take this!”
Next, Jessica let the red beam emerge. Shocked at the sight of a blue glow engulfing her mother, Wendy held her hand to her mouth as Vera shrank away. The woman got smaller and smaller. However, when she stopped shrinking, she still towered above Roy Jessica made her one foot high!
Yelling upward, Vera screamed, ” What’s happened to me…what are you doing?!”
Jessica moved forward and placed her hand upon her hip and eyed the lady saying, ” There, now you’re all mine…take off all your clothes, now!” In horror, frozen Wendy watched as her mother undressed. With Vera completely naked, Jessica said, ” Ok, now put your pumps back on.” Slipping into only her white leather shoes, Vera now stood naked before the the dark-haired girl. Laughing wildly, Jessica said to Wendy, ” Now, you spoiled brat, go get your daddy and stand him next to mommy.” Confused, yet compliant, the blond bent down and raised Roy by his arm. Afterward, she squatted and placed him next to Vera. Standing next to his wife, the two inch high man looked up helplessly at her twelve inch high frame. Continuing with her laughter, Jessica exclaimed, ” We’re gonna create a new structure in this household…I’m the boss and owner of you all, next comes Wendy, she obeys me, then comes Vera, she must obey spoiled Wendy, and after that, at the very bottom, is little Roy, the two inch nothing…he obeys everyone!” Turning now in Wendy’s direction, Jessica aimed the stone.
Frightened, Wendy begged, ” No, no, Jessica, please, don’t!”
The blond ran for the front entrance. She was suddenly overcome by a strange sensation. It went on for a few moments as the door swung open and Wendy ran outside. However, as she approached the base of the steps, the girl realized the worst. By her car, she found that she couldn’t reach the door handle. Looking back, Wendy watched in fear as Jessica’s “towering” stature came ever closer. Eventually, the blond was looking strait up at the dark-haired girl!
Standing before Wendy, Jessica looked down and said mockingly, ” two foot tall midget…don’t you think it’s time to go back inside?” Reaching down, Jessica took Wendy and carried her inside, seating the girl next to her reduced parents.
” There”, said the attractive Hispanic girl, ” Now we’re all together as one happy family.” Looking sadistically at the blond, Jessica said, ” Gee Wendy, you’re so cute and pretty, aren’t you?” With her right hand, the new boss lady ripped the front of Wendy’s blouse open and pulled off the attire. Next, she tore off the bra. After that, the new tyrant pulled off both Wendy’s jeans and her panties. Finally, little Wendy stood naked except for her footwear. Totally absorbed in self infatuation, Jessica ordered, ” Wendy, go get Roy and sit with him atop the sofa.” Obediently, Wendy bent down and raised up her father. After sitting atop the cushion, she heard the dictator’s voice, ” Now you know what to do…start playing with daddy…shove him up your cunt!” Hesitantly, the girl began to insert Roy head first up her vaginal opening. With fear and hate in her eyes, Vera looked on and watched her daughter use her husband as a dildo.
While Wendy pushed Roy in and out of her slit, Jessica began to slip out of her own clothes. Finally, she took it all off except for the knee-high black leather stiletto boots. Completely naked, Jessica bent down and raised up Vera. Afterward, the dark haired vixen put the one footer next to Wendy and said, ” Ok, little Wendy, time to share with mommy.” Eventhough Vera was now only half the size of her daughter, Roy could still fit into her cunt.
Taking the little man from the blond, Vera held him and began begging Jessica, ” Please, let’s stop this…can’t we work out a deal?”
Jessica replied, ” You’ve got nothing to offer, remember, it’s all mine now…now get busy and shove that bug up your crotch!”
In fear, Vera pushed Roy up her vulva opening. He slid in and out as his wife moved her hand back and forth. After three minutes of psychological satisfaction, Jessica placed her open palm before Vera and said, ” Give him to me.” With Roy in her hand, Jessica lowered her prize to her beautiful harry box. She too inserted the man into her cunt and moaned forth as her clit swelled up. While the dark haired girl played away, Wendy and Vera sat by helplessly and watched Roy’s body give Jessica an orgasm.
Refreshed and invigorated by her burst of ecstasy, Jessica yelled at Wendy, ” Well…just don’t sit there, slave, go get me that glass of water!” Immediately, Wendy got off the couch and ran into the kitchen. There, she pulled up a chair before the counter and crawled up. Standing on the chair, the two foot tall girl was able to reach into the cupboard. She took a glass, went to the sink, filled it up, and crawled back down to the floor. Returning to the livingroom, she handed the self proclaimed goddess the drink. After drinking down the entire contents, Jessica said, ” Good, little girl, from now on, you’re to do all the house work here, I mean all of it…you’re little, but not that small that you can’t do whatever I ask.”
Staring happily at her three slaves, Jessica said, ” All right, just to demonstrate the power structure here, we’re gonna have an ass kissing party. Pointing at little Roy standing helplessly upon the floor, Jessica said to Wendy, ” Get your mother and stand her next to daddy.” Wendy obeyed. Next, the Hispanic girl said to Vera, “Bend down and stick your ass in his face.” Forever frightened, the lady complied and placed her attractive rear before Roy. Jessica said, ” Kiss.” Roy did as he was told and kissed away. Then, the dominant girl said to Wendy, ” Go squat before your mother and shove your nice ass into her face. Again, fear caused obedience. The blond went over and stuck her sexy butt into Vera’s face. Again, Jessica commanded, ” Kiss, kiss her ass now!” Vera kissed away as Wendy turned her head back now and then to observe her mother’s humble progress. Finally, Jessica squatted before Wendy and presented her spectacular rear to the blond. Turning her head back also, Jessica said, ” Now, you slut, I’ll show you who’s boss here, kiss my ass, that’s right, kiss my ass!!” With tears running down her face, Wendy kissed her new owner’s butt.
Indeed, all four made quite a sight, the pure representation of a power hierarchy. Jessica let the adoration ceremony go on for exactly forty four minutes. Keeping her head turned back, she gazed on as the three subordinates gave her all the respect she craved. Finally, the dark haired vixen stood up and said down to the three, ” From now on, you’re my slaves, to service me as I demand.” She went on, ” Your tasks shall be given relative to your sizes.” Pointing first at Wendy, Jessica said, ” You, you bitch, will be as I said earlier, the housekeeper.” Jessica went on, ” Vera, my little doll, I’ll keep you as my body servant…you’ll manicure my nails and massage my feet.” Finally, the dominant mistress turned to Roy and triumphantly said, ” Since you liked my cunt so much, you’re to be my pussy pleaser; whenever I need stimulation, I’ll simply shove you right in your place.
Jessica finally sat down on the sofa and snapped her fingers, giving orders and enjoying everything!
The End.